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Jan 2019: Research Data Management

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Date:  23-24 January 2019
Venue: College of Public Health & Health Informatics , King Saud bin Abdulaziz Univ.for Health Sciences, King Saud bin Abdulaziz Univ.for Health Sciences, Riyadh KSA   
Registration: SR 1000



This workshop proposes to cover the basic concepts of management and analysis of research data from the time of collection to publication along with hands on experience on selected examples. By the end of the workshop, the participants should get familiar with the following data concepts:

  • Types of data
  • Data management lifecycle
  • Data management plan
  • Data collection tools and design of questionnaire
  • Validation and reliability of questionnaire
  • Sampling and sample size
  • Data entry program and data integrity
  • Metadata and data coding
  • Data processing (preparation, transformation and cleaning)
  • Dealing with outliers and missing data
  • Data normality and choice of appropriate analysis
  • Creating tables and graphs for publication
  • Data preservation and sharing
  • Legal and ethical considerations for research data

This workshop is ideal for

  • Data managers
  • Researchers
  • Epidemiologists
  • Public health professionals
  • Residents/master students plan to do thesis
  • Those working in medical research or medical reports

Telephone Number : 11-4295495
Registration : 1st Flr. CPHHI bldg
E-mail : ngcebhp@ksau-hs.edu.sa

1. Call the numbers stated in the course/workshop information to inquire availability of seats. 
2. Fill up the Registration form and fax to 11-4295480
3.Confirm if the fax was received to the numbers stated in the course/workshop information
Once confirmation is made, kindly pay the fees and fax a copy of receipt again to 11-4295480

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