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Medical Tools
Useful Medical Tools related to Evidence Based Medicine
1. 2013 AHA/ACC Cholesterol Treatment Guidelines (Implementation Tool)
2. Bronchial Asthma Stepup Guideline and NGHA available medication for Adult Treatment
3.Critical Appraisal Worksheets
Critical Appraisal Worksheet
Critical Appraisal Worksheets
1. Clinical Decision Support Systems
2. Clinical Practice Guidelines
6. Harm
7. Health-Related Quality of Life
8. Prognosis
11. Therapy
International Links
Best Evidence:
This database of summaries of articles from the major medical journals, together with Expert commentaries, is the CD-ROM equivalent of the combined ACP Journal Club and Evidence Based Medicine output. Details of subscriptions are found at the BMJ site.
Clinical Evidence
Clinical Evidence is a database of clinical questions designed to help clinicians make evidence-based medicine part of their everyday practice. Hundreds of clinical questions cover the effects of treatments and interventions based on the best available research.
Topics are selected to cover common or important clinical conditions seen in primary care or ambulatory settings. Questions are selected for their relevance to clinical practice by leading physicians in conjunction with other practicing physicians and patient groups.
Answers are the result of thorough research commissioned by the prestigious BMJ Publishing Group (British Medical Journal), employing premier medical resources including the Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, ACP Journal Club. Rigorous peer-review of all material by independent experts, an advisory board, and an international advisory committee aims to ensure that the information is of the highest quality.
The U.S. National Institutes of Health
Through its National Library of Medicine, has developed to provide patients, family members and members of the public current information about clinical research studies.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
A rapidly growing collection of regularly updated, systematic reviews of the effects of health care, maintained by contributors to the Cochrane Collaboration. New reviews are added with each issue of The Cochrane Library. Cochrane reviews are reviews mainly of randomized controlled trials. Evidence is included or excluded on the basis of explicit quality criteria to minimize bias. Data are often combined statistically, with metaanalysis, to increase the power of the findings of numerous studies each too small to produce reliable results individually. Although the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews is available on subscription only, the Abstracts of Cochrane Reviews are available without charge and can be browsed or searched.
Cochrane Library
The Cochrane Library is a quarterly updated electronic database containing systematic reviews and other information that will assist in making diagnostic, treatment and other health care decisions. It is the most comprehensive source of references for those with an interest in evidence-based health care. The Cochrane Library consists of four main databases: The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, The Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness, The Cochrane Controlled Trials Register and The Cochrane Review Methodology Database.
Cochrane Library [Abstracts]
This facility from Update Software allows you to search the abstracts of the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. The full-text of the reviews is only available through the Cochrane Library above.
Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness
DARE is a database of high quality systematic research reviews of the effectiveness of health care interventions produced by the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination at the University of York.
Evidence Based Health Care - Latest Articles
A list of the latest articles on Evidence Based Health Care provided by the Evidence Based resource Centre in New York.
Guideline is a UK-based initiative to develop an electronic database of critically appraised, clinical practice guidelines for health and allied care professionals across the National Health Service (NHS). The project began in March 1997 and is funded by the four health authorities of Oxford shire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Northampton shire until August 1998.
Health Technology Advisory Committee Evaluation Reports
Reports and issue briefs from the HTAC in Minnesota.
Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Database
The HTA Database, mounted by the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination at the University of York, contains abstracts produced by INAHTA (International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment) and other healthcare technology agencies.
Searchable database of POEMS (Patient Oriented Evidence that Matters) from the Journal of Family Practice. POEMS are summaries similar to ACP Journal Club articles in methodology and format, targeted at family practitioners.
Medical SmartSearch
Medical SmartSearch is a single gateway that attempts to provide references to answer Clinical questions around diagnosis, aetiology, prognosis and therapy (plus physical Findings, adverse treatment effects and screening/prevention) by searching only high quality sources. Smartsearch always searches:
- Merck Manual.
- MEDLINE for review articles and editorials that have full texts available.
- National Guideline Clearinghouse from the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR)
- Database of Abstract of Reviews of Effectiveness (DARE)
- MEDLINE for original research.
Depending of the focus requested SmartSearch would search PubMed with the highest sensitivity filters developed by Haynes et al.
National Library of Medicine's Health Services/Technology Assessment Text (HSTAT)
This WWW resource contains the following collections: AHCPR Supported Guidelines, AHCPR Technology Assessments and Reviews, ATIS (HIV/AIDS Technical Information), NIH Warren G. Magnuson Clinical Research Studies, NIH Consensus Development Program, PHS Guide to Clinical Preventive Services (1989) and SAMHSA/CSAT Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP).
National Research Register
The National Research Register (NRR) is a register of ongoing and recently completed research projects funded by, or of interest to, the United Kingdom's National Health Service. The current release contains information on over 57,000 research projects, as well as entries from the Medical Research Council's Clinical Trials Register, and details on reviews in progress collected by the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination.
NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED)
The NHS Economic Evaluation Database is a database of structured abstracts of economic evaluations of health care interventions produced by the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination at the University of York.
PEDro - Physiotherapy Evidence Database
PEDro, an initiative of the Centre for Evidence-Based Physiotherapy (CEBP). PEDro is the Physiotherapy Evidence Database. It has been developed to give physiotherapists and others rapid access to bibliographic details and abstracts of randomised controlled trials in physiotherapy. Most trials on the database have been rated for quality to help to quickly discriminate between trials, which are likely to be valid and interpretable, and those, which are not.
Primary Care Clinical Practice Guidelines
This site will include all guidelines, evidence-based, consensus, practice parameters, protocols, as well as other resources such as primary articles, integrative studies, metaanalysis, critically appraised topics, and review articles. Compiled by Peter Sam at the UCSF School of Medicine. is a new web site created by the non-profit Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Corporation (KMRREC) to promote, encourage, and support clinical trials in medical rehabilitation.
SUMSearch is a single gateway that attempts to provide references to answer clinical questions around diagnosis, aetiology, prognosis and therapy (plus physical findings adverse treatment effects and screening/prevention) by searching only high-quality sources. SUMSearch always searches:
- Merck Manual.
- MEDLINE for review articles and editorials that have full texts available.
- National Guideline Clearinghouse from the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR).
- Database of Abstract of Reviews of Effectiveness (DARE).
- MEDLINE for original research.
Depending of the focus requested SUMSearch will search PubMed with the highest sensitivity filters developed by Haynes et al.
Turning Research Into Practice (TRIP) Database
This resource, hosted by the Centre for Research Support in Wales, aims to support those working in primary care. The database has 8000 links covering resources at 28 different centres and allows both boolean searching (AND, OR, NOT) and truncation.
ACP Journal Club
ACP Journal Club's general purpose is to select from the biomedical literature those articles reporting studies and reviews that warrant immediate attention by physicians attempting to keep pace with important advances in internal medicine. These articles are summarized in "value added" abstracts and commented on by clinical experts. Further information can be found at McMaster University.
Bandolier is a journal produced monthly by the Oxford Anglia NHS Region in the UK. It contains bullet points of evidence-based medicine, hence its title. Access to Bandolier on the Internet is free of charge, but it may run several months behind the printed version. Subscription to the printed version of Bandolier costs stlg30 per year (UK) and stlg60 overseas.
An authorized Spanish language version of Bandolier (See above). Includes translations of Issues 65 onwards.
Effective Health Care Bulletins
Effective Health Care is a bi-monthly bulletin for decision makers, which examines the effectiveness of a variety of health care interventions. Effective Health Care bulletins are based on a systematic review and synthesis of research on the clinical effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and acceptability of health service interventions. This is carried out by a research team using established methodological guidelines, with advice from expert consultants for each topic. The bulletins are subject to extensive and rigorous peer review.
Effectiveness Matters
Effectiveness Matters provides updates on the effectiveness of important health interventions for practitioners and decision makers in the NHS. Topics covered to date include Aspirin and Myocardial Infarction, Helicobacter Pylori and Peptic Ulcer, Influenza Vaccination and Older People and Screening for Prostate Cancer. Screening for Prostate Cancer is accompanied by a patient information leaflet Screening for Prostate Cancer: The Evidence. Information for Men Considering or Asking for PSA tests. Effectiveness Matters is a free publication available on subscription. To subscribe to Effectiveness Matters or to order CRD Reports, contact CRD Publications (Tel.) 01904433648.
Quarterly newsletter publications funded as a pilot scheme by the Welsh National Board for nursing, midwifery and health visiting educationalists.
Evidence Based Health Care
Formerly known as Evidence-Based Health Policy and Management the principal purpose of the journal of Evidence-Based Health Care is to provide managers with the best evidence available about the financing, organisation and delivery of health care. Appraisal criteria for different types of study design are available from this site.
Evidence Based Medicine
The purpose of the secondary journal, Evidence-Based Medicine, is to alert clinicians to important advances in internal medicine, general and family practice, surgery, psychiatry, paediatrics, and obstetrics and gynaecology by selecting from the biomedical literature those original and review articles whose results are most likely to be both true and useful. These articles are summarised in value-added abstracts and commented on by clinical experts. A guest site is also hosted at the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine. Past issues of the journal only.
Evidence Based Medicine - Edition Francaise (EBM Journal)
EBM Journal is the French edition of Evidence-Based Medicine. Published since 1996, it features an in extenso translation of all original material free access to the full text of many articles is provided to visitors : all EBM notebooks, local commentaries, plus 3 to 5commented summaries per issue; access to remaining papers is restricted to subscribers thus, the site could represent the most comprehensive single resource available for information on EBM for French speaking colleagues.
Evidence-Based Medicine - Edizione Italiana
The site for the Italian language edition of the Evidence Based Medicine journal (see above). Contents pages are available for 1997 onwards together with the full text of some of the articles.
Evidence Based Mental Health
The web site for the sister journal to Evidence-Based Medicine. EBMH Online contains the full content of each issue of the journal. In addition, the full text is searchable by keyword, and the cited references include hyperlinks to Medline and to the full text of many other online journals. Currently running a free trial service until June 2001.
Evidence Based Nursing
The first issue of this sibling journal to Evidence Based Medicine and Evidence Based Mental health was published in November 1997 by the BMJ Publishing Group.
Journal Club on the Web
This web site is an experiment in implementing an on-line, interactive general medical "journal club" which periodically summarizes and critiques articles from the recent medical literature and collects and posts readers' comments. The articles are primarily in the field of adult internal medicine, and mainly from the NEJM, Annals of Internal Medicine, JAMA and the Lancet.
Journal of Family Practice POEMs (Patient Oriented Evidence that Matters)
The POEMs feature is designed to support the evidence-based practice of medicine. Each month, they review over 80 journals to identify the 8 articles with patient-oriented outcomes that have the greatest potential to change the way primary care clinicians practice. These articles are then critically appraised by expert family physicians, educators, and/or pharmacologists. The same editorial team is responsible for the Evidence Based Practice Newsletter.
This online edition of JSCAN contains the full text of Journals Scan, a monthly publication. This site also contains some other resources which are unique to the website. Access to the entire site is free. Journal Scan aims to keep you updated on the recent developments in the fields of Medicine & Health. JSCAN contains articles from journals that provide evidence for treatment, diagnosis or prognosis. These are presented in a question and answer format. It also features Web Watch which contains www sites of interest to health care professionals. JSCAN is compiled and edited by Dr.P.Badrinath & Prof. Owen Lloyd, Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, United Arab Emirates University.
New Zealand Evidence Based Healthcare Bulletin
The Bulletin is a joint initiative of the New Zealand Guidelines Group (NZGG), the New Zealand Centre for Evidence-Based Nursing (NZCEBN), New Zealand Health Technology Assessment (NZHTA), and the New Zealand Cochrane Fellow. The purpose of the Bulletin is to summarise news and information about evidence based healthcare activities in New Zealand.
AGREE (Appraisal of Guidelines Research & Evaluation) is an international collaboration of researchers and policy makers who seek to improve the quality and effectiveness of clinical practice guidelines by establishing a shared framework for their development, reporting and assessment.
Canadian Family Physician Critical Appraisal
Critical Appraisal reviews important articles in the literature relevant to family physicians. Reviews are by family physicians, not experts on the topics. They assess not only the strength of the studies but the bottom line clinical importance for family practice. Also described as "Family Medicine research reviews with a 'bottom line'".
CASP Appraisal Checklists
Questionnaires used in critical appraisal of evidence. The critical appraisal skills programme uses these questionnaires to appraise different types of research.
CASP Guide to Statistical Terms
This brief "statistics for the uninitiated" guide explains and illustrates the use of measures of clinical effectiveness such as: Relative Risk (RR) and Number Needed to Treat (NNT) and also discusses Confidence Intervals (CI).
Clinical Evidence
Clinical Evidence is a compendium of the best available research findings on common and important clinical questions, updated and expanded every six months. Sample pages are available as Acrobat files.
Cochrane Collaboration Handbook
The Cochrane Collaboration's handbook is its main working document. It provides practical guidance for developing and Cochrane Systematic Reviews.
Critical Appraisal Resource Guide
This resource guide compiled by Andrew Booth at ScHARR provides a brief introduction to sources that can be used in teaching critical appraisal. It can also be downloaded as an MSWORD6 file.
Critical Appraisal Worksheets
A number of sites make available printable or form-fill worksheets for critically appraising articles. The best of these are based on the JAMA User Guides series (see Core Virtual Library). Links to worksheets by study type are as follows:
- Causation and Harm
- Diagnostic Tests
- Prognosis
- Therapy - CASP Version
- Therapy and Prevention
- Overview
- Overview - CASP Version
- Qualitative research - CASP Version
- Clinical Practice Guideline II
- Economic Analysis
- Economic Evaluation (CASP Version)
- Variations in Outcomes
- Critically Appraised Topics (CATs)
- Critically appraised topics (CATs) are short, typically one page, digests that summarise the evidence for clinicians. There are a number of sites experimenting with the CAT format including:
- Centre for Evidence Based Medicine:
- South Western Ontario Regional Academic Health Science Network:
- University of Michigan Pediatrics:
- University of North Carolina:!catlist.htm
- University of Rochester Medical Center:
- University of Washington:
Critique et Pratique (French)
Each week, members of the Laval University Family Medicine Department (Québec, Canada) summarize and comment on two articles from recent issues of medical journals. The commentary is based on evidence-based medicine principles and on the evaluation of the impact of research on medical practice.
Development and Evaluation Committee Reports
These reports have been prepared as part of the Development and Evaluation Service funded by the Research and Development Directorate South and West. They are intended to provide rapid, accurate and usable information on health technology effectiveness to purchasers, clinicians, managers and researchers in the South and West. An archive of the DEC Reports is also available at the Bristol site.
EBM Toolbox
Not to be confused with the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine's resource of the same name, this is a Canadian based collection of resources to support EBM. It includes appraisal checklists, methodological filters and other User Guide-associated resources.
Guideline Appraisal Project (GAP)
The Guidelines Appraisal Project (GAP) brings health services researchers, policy makers, and practitioners together in appraising, summarizing and disseminating information about clinical practice guidelines.
Guide to Clinical Preventive Services (2nd edition)
This full text resource is the 1996 edition which carefully reviews the evidence for and against hundreds of preventive services, recommending a test, immunization, or counseling intervention only when there is evidence that it is effective. Although the main audience for the Guide to Clinical Preventive Services is primary care physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants, it is intended to be of value also to policymakers, researchers, employers, and those in the health care financing community. I commend this report and its important message to all of them.
Health Evidence Bulletins, Wales
The Health Evidence Bulletins - Wales act as signposts to the best current evidence across a broad range of evidence types and subject areas. Where information from randomised controlled trials is available it is included. However, many health issues do not lend themselves easily to investigation, or have not yet been studied, by this method. In these cases, high quality evidence has been sought from observational and other studies.
Health Reviews for Primary Care Providers
A listing of documents about primary care medicine and medical practice, available through the World Wide Web. Some links are to the documents themselves. Others are to article reviews, plus links to the articles' abstracts, when available. The documents were selected to serve the information needs of primary care practitioners.
Health Technology Assessment Reports
This resource at the Wessex Institute for Research and Development contains abstracts for the completed reviews from the National Health Service Health Technology Assessment Programme.
Méta-analyses des essais thérapeutiques (French)
Ce site propose une série de ressources relatives aux méta-analyses des essays thérapeutiques. [A valuable bibliographic site with many English Language references].
Numbers Needed to Treat
This is a ScHARR Compilation page containing links to NNT sites, tools and a Medline Bibliography.
Screening and Diagnostic Tests (Cochrane Collaboration)
The Cochrane Collaboration Methods Working Group on Screening and Diagnostic Tests has placed its recommendations on how to search for, appraise and pool results of studies of diagnostic accuracy on the Web. The document includes a methodological bibliography.
Users' Guides to the Health Care Literature
The Evidence Based Medicine Working Group, a group of clinicians at McMaster and colleagues across North America, have created a set of guides, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). The Users' Guide series aim to assist clinicians to keep up to date in their clinical discipline and to find the best way to manage a particular clinical problem. The User's Guides put much emphasis on integrative studies, including systematic overviews, practice guidelines, decision analysis, and economic analysis. They introduce strategies for efficiently searching the medicalliterature. Full-text of some of the Guides is available.
(A complete list of the published guides, together with their full bibliographic references is available at:
Workshop on How to Teach Evidence Based Clinical Practice
McMaster University Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics have assembled sets of readings dealing with evidence-based medicine and critical appraisal issues in therapy, diagnosis, prognosis, harm, overviews and economic analysis. Some materials, complete with checklists and crib sheets is available on the Internet, and may be downloaded to support Critical Appraisal skills programmes locally.
Aggressive Research Intelligence Facility (ARIF)
"Advancing the use of evidence on the effects of health care in the West Midlands": ARIF is a specialist unit of three people based at the University of Birmingham, set up to help health care workers access and interpret research evidence in response to particular problems. They are a collaboration between the Department of Public Health & Epidemiology, the Department of General Practice and the Health Services Management Centre at the University and are funded for three years from 1st July 1995 by the Research and Development Department of the NHS Executive, West Midlands. The first objective of ARIF is to provide timely access to, and advice on, existing reviews of research.
Australian Safety and Efficacy Register of New Interventional Procedures – Surgical (ASERNIP-S)
ASERNIP-S is a pilot project, funded by the Australian Federal Government through the Department of Health and Family Services for a three-year period. The project is administered by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and began operating in January 1998. ASERNIP-S was established as a body to assess new surgical procedures and technologies. The broad aims of the project are to establish a mechanism for collecting, collating and analysing data concerning the safety and efficacy of selected new surgical procedures; to make recommendations on whether the procedure should be used with or without continuing audit, or if a more fully controlled evaluation is necessary and to disseminate the information to fellows and trainees of the College through CME and training programs, to credentialling committees, practitioners, consumers, health care providers and government agencies. Full text reports are available in some cases with alternative summaries where required.
Canadian Centres for Health Evidence (
The principal task of Centres of Health Evidence (CHE) is to package, disseminate, and present health knowledge in ways that facilitate its optimum use. Within a CHE, staff will monitor knowledge-based software and literature from a variety of public and private sources. Significant resources are identified, and for these items, structured summaries are developed to alert the user to the quality of evidence supporting health recommendations, the relative importance of recommendations, and how the needs of specific patients, practitioners and settings are addressed. Contains full-text versions of Users' Guides to Evidence-Based Practice (q.v).
The Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment (CCOHHTA)
CASP - Critical Appraisal Skills Programme
CASP is a UK project that aims to help health service decision makers and those that seek to influence the decision makers develop skills to find, critically appraise and change practice in line with evidence of effectiveness. These skills promote the delivery of evidence-based healthcare. At the heart of CASP's work is a cascade of half day workshops where participants learn through going on an interactive journey. CASP introduces people to the ideas of evidence-based healthcare and, through critical appraisal of systematic reviews, introduces people to the related ideas of the Cochrane Collaboration. CASP is developing an interactive CD-ROM, to be used in conjunction with workshops, video conferencing, as a stand alone package or to reinforce learning, thereby taking these skills to a wider audience and giving opportunities for independent practice or learning.
These pages tell you about the aims and resources of the CASPinternational network, which aims to promote the use of evidence of effectiveness in health and allied services.
Centre for Clinical Effectiveness
The Centre for Clinical Effectiveness opened at Monash Medical Centre in Australia in January 1998. Its objective is to enhance patient outcomes through the clinical application of the best available evidence about treatments.
Centre for Evidence Based Child Health
The Centre for Evidence-Based Child Health is part of a national network of centres for evidence-based health care. The overall aim of the Centre is to increase the provision of effective and efficient child health care through an educational programme for health professionals. Introductory seminars, short courses, MSc modules, workshops for groups in the workplace and training secondments are beng offered to paediatricians, nurses, general practitioners, healthcare purchasers and others involved in child health.
Centre for Evidence Based Dentistry
The main objective of the Centre, based at the Institute of Health Sciences in Oxford is to promote the teaching, learning, practice, and evaluation of Evidence-Based Dentistry throughout the United Kingdom.
Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (U.K.)
The World Wide Web page of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, established in Oxford as the first of several centres around the country whose aim broadly is to promote evidence-based health care and provide support and resources to anyone who wants to make use of them. The Centre's web site contains the EBM Toolbox with numerous aids to the practice and teaching of EBHC, including: pre-test probabilities, Likelihood Ratios, SpPins and SnNouts, Numbers Needed To Treat and other measures of effectiveness for diagnostic tests, therapy and prognosis; teaching materials for public health, primary care, hospital medicine, child health, neonatology, mental health, surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology; a glossary of terms; hints, tips and worksheets on asking clinical questions, searching and critical appraisal; slide presentations on the background to EBM; and much more!
Centre for Evidence Based Medicine (Mount Sinai, U.S.)
This site hosted by the University of Toronto includes Practising EBM, Syllabi for EBM, Teaching EBM, Evidence Resources and a Glossary of EBM terms. It is designed to support the second edition of Evidence-based Medicine: How to Practise and Teach EBM.
Centre for Evidence-based Mental Health
The site contains a range of resources to promote and support the teaching and practice of evidence-based mental healthcare: OXAMWEB (a comprehensive list of links to evidence-based mental health websites); Toolkit of teaching resources, including examples of scenarios used in the teaching of evidence-based practice in mental health; details of the secondary journal - Evidence-Based Mental Health; details of forthcoming workshops and conferences. details of how to join the centre or subscribe to their mailing list. Other features that will appear on the site in the near future include:
- Information about the new Network for Clinical Effectiveness and Evidence-Based Practice (including full-text of the Royal College of Psychiatrists' clinical practice guidelines).
- A glossary of EBM terminology with particular relevance to mental health.
Centre for Evidence Based Nursing
The Centre for Evidence-Based Nursing works with nurses in practice, other researchers, nurse educators and managers to identify evidence-based practice through primary research and systematic reviews and promotes the uptake of evidence into practice through education and implementation activities in areas of nursing where good evidence is available. The Centre is also researching factors which promote or impede the implementation of evidence-based practice. The University of York has established a Centre for Evidence-Based Nursing as part of the national network of Centres for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice (which includes the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford and the Centre for Evidence-Based Child Health in London). Each Centre contributes a specific perspective. The Centre for Evidence-Based Nursing is working as part of this network, collaborating in the promotion of evidence-based health care.
Centres for Evidence Based Nursing (the Seven)
There are seven antipodean centres for evidence based nursing; five in Australia, one in Hong Kong and one in New Zealand.
Centre for Evidence Based Pharmacotherapy
The Centre for Evidence-Based Pharmacotherapy (CEBP) was set up in July 1995 to undertake research in the methodology of medicines assessment, pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacoeconomics and to undertake such studies. The Centre is active within the Cochrane Collaboration with membership of the editorial team of the Menstrual Disorders Review Group and coordination of the Pharmaceuticals Field as well as membership of the Statistical Methods Working Group. The Centre also has close links with the Consumers Association.
Centre for Evidence Based Physiotherapy
The Centre of Evidence-Based Physiotherapy was established by a small group of clinical and academic physiotherapists. It is based at the School of Physiotherapy at the University of Sydney. The Centre's mission is to maximise the effectiveness of physiotherapy services by facilitating the clinical application of the best available evidence. The Centre functions as a non-profit organisation to facilitate physiotherapy research and implementation of effective physiotherapy.
Centre for Evidence Based Social Services
This Centre has been jointly funded by The Department of Health and a consortium of Social Services Departments in the South and South West of England with the main aim of ensuring that decisions taken at all levels in social services are informed by trends from good-quality research.
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
The NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) is a facility commissioned by the NHS Research and Development Division to produce and disseminate reviews concerning the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of healthcare interventions. The aim is to identify and review the results of good quality health research and to disseminate actively the findings to key decision makers in the NHS and to consumers of health care services. In this way health care professionals and managers can ensure their practice reflects the best available research evidence. The reviews will cover: the effectiveness of care for particular conditions; the effectiveness of health technologies; evidence on efficient methods of organising and delivering particular types of health care. The CRD has made its public databases accessible over the internet and via dialup access. The first is a database of structured abstracts of good quality systematic reviews (DARE), which comment on the methodological features of published reviews and summarise the author's conclusions and any implications for health practice. The abstracts represent the end product of a detailed sifting and quality appraisal process. There is also an economic evaluations database (NEED).
CHAIN - Contact Help Advice Information Network for Effective Health Care
C.H.A.I.N. is a reference database for clinical effectiveness and evidence based health care activities in the North Thames Region, and beyond.
Cochrane Collaboration
The Cochrane Collaboration facilitates the creation, review, maintenance and dissemination of systematic overviews of the effects of health care. This is the home page for this international Collaboration and provides access to information on all its activities, to the Handbook (see next entry) as well as free access to the Review abstracts. This site has contact details and links to the web sites of Cochrane Centres and Groups. The Cochrane Collaboration site is available at:
- Australia
- Canada
- Denmark
- Germany
- Japan
- Spain
- UK
Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC) Group
Information about the group, a newsletter, downloadable database of bibliographic references about achieving change in healthcare plus links to health-related sites and information about discussion groups.
Evidence Based Education (UK)
A site produced by the Curriculum Evaluation Centre at the University of Durham. The site discusses similarities with Evidence Based Medicine and provides conference details and some tools such as "What is an effect size?"
Evidence Based Occupational Therapy-University of Queensland Group (EBOT-UQ)
The Evidence Based Occupational Therapy-University of Queensland Group was formed by occupational therapists at The University of Queensland, Australia with the primary goal of promoting and facilitating evidence based occupational therapy practice. Specifically the group aims to provide research, training and continuing education in evidence based occupational therapy, support the location and access of occupational therapy evidence, and facilitate collaboration between occupational therapists with respect to evidence based practice. These web pages provide information on the aims and roles of the EBOT-UQ group; locating research evidence relevant to occupational therapy; evidence based practice web links; an elective subject: "Evidence Based Practice in Allied Health"; and The International Symposium on Evidence Based Occupational Therapy: Collaborating For the Future.
Evidence-Based Practice Centers
The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) established 12 centers in the United States to develop evidence reports and technology assessments of diagnostic and therapeutic interventions used in a variety of clinical conditions. The AHCPR has chosen to pursue a partnering approach that brings developers and users together at the beginning of the process. These partners, which may be professional societies, health plans, states, and other entities, will use the products of the Evidence based Practice Centers (EPCs) to develop and implement practice guidelines and other clinical quality improvement tools.
Centers involved
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association Technology Evaluation Center (TEC)
Duke Center for Clinical Health Policy Research (CCHPR)
John Hopkins University
McMaster University
New England Medical Center, Center for Clinical Evidence Synthesis
Oregon Health Sciences University
Research Triangle Institute - University of North Carolina
Southern California - RAND
University of California at San Francisco (UCSF)-Stanford
University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio
Evidence-supported Medical Union (EMU)
Evidence-supported Medicine Union (EMU) is funded through the West Midlands Regional Levy Board to promote evidence-based health care for the NHS in the West Midlands.
GIMBE - Gruppo Italiano per la Medicina Basata sulle Evidenze
Probably the best non-English Language EBM site on the Web this new resource contains definitions on the various stages of EBM, a comprehensive bibliography and an excellent links page.
Health Information Research Unit
The Health Information Research Unit (HIRU) at McMaster University conducts research in the field of health information science and is dedicated to the generation of new knowledge about the nature of health and clinical information problems, the development of new information resources to support evidence-based health care, and the evaluation of various innovations in overcoming health care information problems.
Health Technology Assessment Organisations
This ScHARR compilation page lists the primary international sites involved in Health Technology Assessment activities.
Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences
The Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences in Ontario (ICES) is a non-profit research organization dedicated to conducting research that contributes to the effectiveness, quality and efficiency of health care in the province of Ontario. It produces the newsletter informed for physicians.
MRC Clinical Trials Unit
The Medical Research Council (UK) Clinical Trials Web site includes the MRC's role in trials, how to apply for funding, guidelines on good clinical practice in trials and a directory of current trials.
National Guideline Clearinghouse (U.S.)
The National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC) is a comprehensive database of evidence based clinical practice guidelines and related documents produced by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR), in partnership with the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Association of Health Plans (AAHP). The NGC mission is to provide physicians, nurses, and other health professionals, health care providers, health plans, integrated delivery systems, purchasers and others an accessible mechanism for obtaining objective, detailed information on clinical practice guidelines and to further their dissemination, implementation and use. Key components of NGC include: Structured abstracts (summaries) about the guideline and its development; a utility for comparing attributes of two or more guidelines in a side-by-side comparison; syntheses of guidelines covering similar topics, highlighting areas of similarity and difference; links to full-text guidelines, where available, and/or ordering information for print copies; an electronic forum for exchanging information on clinical practice guidelines, their development, implementation and use; annotated bibliographies on guideline development methodology, implementation, and use.
National Institute for Clinical Excellence
The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (the Institute) is a Special Health Authority which will work with the NHS, the Institute will systematically appraise health interventions. It will offer clinicians and managers clear guidance on which treatments work best for patients and which do not. This guidance will support everyone in the NHS including doctors, nurses, midwives and other health professionals - those who make the complex decisions about the treatment of individual patients. Guidance will also be available for patients and the public.
National Pathways Association
The National Pathways Association (NPA) exists to promote the development and use of Pathways nationally. It was formed in the early 1990's out of the local networks of Pathway Users around the UK. As the organisation has grown, the membership has expanded across the many organisations and individuals who are interested in the development and use of Pathways. The group is multi-disciplinary and multi-professional, and includes healthcare individuals across the independent, private and public sectors. The NPA has an advisory role to central government and is a key player in the development and promotion of the new quality agenda. The NPA website is open to both NPA members and non-members. However, access to certain pages is restricted by password to members only.
The National Training and Research Appraisal Group
Established in 1993 the National Training and Research Appraisal Group (NTRAG) is a research and evidence-based healthcare education and training consultancy. Based at the University of North London NTRAG consists of a small core staff who co-ordinate a pool of over thirty tutors.
The Northern and Yorkshire Evidence-Based Practice Group
This group came together after having tutored individually in previous EBP workshops at Oxford, London and Wales, and organised the successful Workshop in 1999.
Occupational Therapy Evidence Based Practice Research Group
The McMaster Occupational Therapy Evidence-based Practice group focuses on researchto critically review evidence regarding the effectiveness of occupational therapy interventions and to develop tools for evaluation of occupational therapy programmes They have produced review forms and guidelines for quantitative and qualitative articles, available to download in Acrobat pdf format (Quantitative review form; Quantitative review guidelines; Qualitative review form ; Qualitative review guidelines). They have also completed two systematic reviews on the effect of activity-based interventions for older persons with dementia and the effect of cognitive-behavioural interventions for persons with chronic pain.
Office of Technology Assessment
Although the remit of the U.S. based Office of Technology Assessment is much broader than just healthcare they do produce a number of useful reports; including the report "Identifying Health Technologies that Work". The full text of their reports is available from this site.
Odontolog?a Basada la Evidencia Spanish Evidence Based Dentistry site.
R&D Strategy pages
Most of these pages deal with the mechanics of the strategy but many practitioners will be interested in research per se and will want to keep up to date with the NHS strategy. There are now several home pages. They include a Department of Health R&D Strategy Home Page
All the Regional Offices have committed to having a Regional home page. So far there are six:
Anglia and Oxford
Northern and Yorkshire
North Thames
South and West
West Midlands
RAND Corporation
RAND is a US-based nonprofit institution that aims to improve public policy throughresearch and analysis. RAND aims to carry out high-quality, objective research addressing problems of domestic policy including health care. RAND has been studying health care issues for more than thirty years. Today, RAND conducts one of the largest private, nonprofit programs of health policy research and analysis in the world. They publish numerous reports and other documents in areas of health care technology assessment.
School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR) ScHARR
The School of Health And Related Research (ScHARR) is a health services research department within the University of Sheffield which is involved in finding the evidence (expertise in literature searching); appraising the evidence (critical appraisal training) and producing the evidence (systematic reviews). The Information Resources Section of ScHARR produced a retrospective bibliography and resource guide entitled "The ScHARR Guide to Evidence Based Practice" (1997).
Scottish Health Purchasing Information Centre (SHPIC)
SHPIC was set up by the NHS Management Executive to carry out effectiveness and cost benefit studies on health service interventions, and to produce concise reports for purchasers. The full text of their current publications is available from this site.
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN)
The Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) develops and publishes evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for use by the health service in Scotland. Full text of many of their guidelines is available from their site. You will however require an Acrobat Reader.
Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care (SBU)
SBU's task is to evaluate methods used within health care and to look critically at their costs, their risks and their benefits. SBU assesses the medical, ethical, social and economic impact of new and established medical procedures.
Trent Working Group on Acute Purchasing
The Trent Working Group on Acute Purchasing was set up to enable purchasers to shareresearch knowledge about the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of acute service interventions and determine collectively their purchasing policy. The Group is facilitated by The School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), part of the Trent Institute for Health Services Research. A list of work in progress and current publications is available at this site.
UK Clearing House on Health Outcomes
The UK Clearing House on Health Outcomes, based within the Nuffield Institute for Health at the University of Leeds, aims: to develop approaches to outcomes assessment within routine health care practice and to promote the role of health outcomes within decision making in health care commissioning and provision. They have two databases available on the WWW; the other being an Outcomes Activities Database containing a wide range of outcomes related projects. This forms the basis for networking people working in similar areas or using similar measures.
Other outcomes sites of potential interest include:
- CBO Health Care Outcomes Programme ECCHO
- Dutch Outcomes Database
- German Outcomes database
- Greek Outcomes Database
- Irish Outcomes Database
- Nordic Outcomes Database
- Portugese Outcomes Database
- wiss Outcomes Database
Unit for Evidence Based Practice and Policy (UEBPP)
The UEBPP is a 'virtual' subunit of the Joint Department of Primary Care and Population Sciences (PCPS) of the merged medical schools of University College London and the Royal Free Hospital. Their web page is maintained by Dr Trisha Greenhalgh, and describes the work of a number of key staff at PCPS who undertake work in evidence-based health.
Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development
The Wessex Institute aims to provide the highest quality research and intelligence, education and training and innovation and development services. It aims to help the NHS to secure the strongest possible knowledge base for improving the health of the population.
West Midlands Development & Evaluation Services
West Midlands Development & Evaluation Service (DES) is a research academic unit in the Department of Public Health & Epidemiology, University of Birmingham. It produces systematic reviews for NHS R&D HTA programme, the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE), and for the West Midlands region. West Midlands DES is also conducting methodological research on health technology assessment, and provides training in systematic reviews and health technology assessment.
West Midlands Health Technology Assessment Collaboration (formerly InterTASC)
The West Midlands Health Technology Assessment Collaboration (WMHTAC) is an organisation involving several universities and academic groups who collaboratively produce health technology assessments and systematic reviews. They produce systematic reviews and economic evaluations for NHS R&D HTA programme (NCCHTA), the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE), and for the health service in the West Midlands. WMHTAC also undertakes methodological research on health technology assessment, and provides training in systematic reviews and health technology assessment.
WISDOM is a pilot project based at the University of Sheffield and funded by the National Health Service Executive to create an on-line environment, using the Internet to train primary care professionals in informatics. At the heart of the project is a discussion group: this web site supports the group and offers information resources and background to the project. Evidence Based Practice is one of the focus areas for the project (Practice because it targets all members of the Primary Health Care Team). Several tutorials, originally distributed by e-mail but now deposited in the project archive, cover aspects of evidence based practice.
Tutorials to date cover:
- Evidence based practice 1: An Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice
- Evidence based practice 2: The basic stages in EBP and how to get started.
- Evidence based practice 3: A little bit about databases...
- Evidence based practice 4: Running a literature search
- Evidence based practice 5: How to Evaluate the Evidence
- Evidence based Practice 6: From Evidence to Practice
- Second series - EBP Seminar 1: Finding Useful Web Sites
- Second series - EBP Seminar 2: Critical Appraisal
- Second series - EBP Seminar 3: Relative & Absolute Risk Interpretation
- Second series - EBP Seminar 4: Clinical Governance: An Introduction
Bedside Diagnosis
An Annotated Bibliography of Literature on Physical Examination and Interviewing made available on the American College of Physicians' site. This resource has a searchable index complete with bibliographical references.
Clinical Decision Rules
From the Mount Sinai Medical Centre - cpr
Clinical Examination Research Interest Group
A special interest group of the Society for General Internal Medicine this group is responsible for the set of Rational Clinical Examination Guides published in JAMA between 1992-1999. A full bibliography of the articles is given together with a search engine covering PubMed and Bedside Diagnosis.
The Clinical Informaticist Project
The clinical informaticist project is a NHSE funded project in which GPs and nurse practitioners are provided with evidence based answers to their questions. At present the website is limited in that access to the answers is password protected and can only be viewed by those GPs and nurses directly involved in the project. However this is only a temporary problem.
CMA Infobase - Clinical Practice Guidelines
The clinical practice guidelines in this Canadian Medical Association collection were produced or endorsed by a national, provincial or territorial medical or health organization, professional society, government agency or expert panel. This new product is being developed in three stages. During the first stage, CMA is providing access to guidelines previously published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ); the guidelines to which CMAJ does not hold copyright are listed and the full text will be added when the developers have granted permission. Other guidelines will be added as they become available.
The CONSORT statement for improving the quality of reporting of randomized controlled trials.
Definitions of Evidence Based Medicine/Healthcare/Practice ScHARR
This is a ScHARR Compilation page of definitions of Evidence Based Medicine etcetera from published articles, reports books and Web pages.
Discussion Lists ScHARR
A ScHARR compilation page listing all evidence based healthcare email discussion lists that have been identified to date. The page includes joining criteria, instructions and a brief description of each list.
Evidence Based Emergency Medicine Home Page
A group of physicians at Lincoln Hospital with a commitment to Evidence Based emergency medicine have created a Web site containing a CAT-Bank, Journal Club and support materials on how to Formulate a Question, Appraise a Study and search the literature.
Evidence Based Healthcare - a resource pack
This pack contains reading and key references concerning the background and current thinking on evidence-based health care and details of the groups and organisations involved in this movement. The pack is designed to guide your reading around the subject and to aid contact with national organisations and academic bodies that are playing a role in promoting and enabling evidence-based health care.
Evidence Based Medicine Calculators
- Diagnosis
- Harm
- Treatment
Evidence-Based Medical Practice / Pratique Médical Fondée Sur les Preuves Scientifiques
Fully bi-lingual Canadian site. The purpose of this web site is to facilitate finding and using the evidence-based medical data available on the Internet. The site is primarily aimed at medical doctors, but we also hope to reach other healthcare professionals, policy makers, and healthcare consumers along with related organizations. When completed, this web site will offer four modules: a directory of web sites offering evidence-based medical information, a search engine for evidence-based data, an interactive self-teaching program, and an electronic discussion group.
Evidence Based Medicine Course
Online tutorial prepared by a Reference Librarian and HTML Programmer at State University of New York. Topics covered include: Purposes of Evidence Based Medicine, A Guide to Research Methods, Searching Biomedical Databases, Applying EBM to Online Searching and Evaluating the Studies You Find.
Evidence Based Medicine - Finding the Best Clinical Evidence
EBM resource from the University of Illinois.
Evidence Based Medicine : Principles and Practice
Produced by Dr. P. Badrinath, Asst. Professor & Epidemiologist, Dept. of Community Medicine, United Arab Emirates University this presentation contains a useful PowerPoint package of slides plus a series of "tasks" suitable for getting people started in EBM.
Evidence Based Medicine Resource List
This site maintained by Chris Cox at the Library at the University of Hertfordshire has useful references and links to other resources. Although lacking the comprehensiveness of the ScHARR Guide to Evidence Based Practice this site more than makes up for this with its conciseness and clarity. Probably the best single compilation page on EBM on the Web.
Evidence Based Medicine Training Packages ScHARR
This is a ScHARR list of Teaching Packages and resources found on the World Wide Web. It includes both self-directed learning and tools to support teaching sessions. A further list of materials is available at the Italian GIMBE site.
Evidence Based Medicine Workbook :
Critical appraisal for clinical problem solving ScHARR The home page for the workbook published by Butterworth Heinemann, currently being translated into Spanish and Japanese. The site-owner has plans to develop the Web pages in the near future.
Evidence Based Pathology
This site, developing at the University of Nottingham, is currently a gateway to resources on EBM. However it is likely to develop into a valuable resource in its own right.
Evidence Based Pediatrics
A resource for evidence based paediatrics at the University of Michigan containing Critically Appraised Topics, Guidelines for a Journal Club and a CAT Templates
Evidence Based Practice - Electronic Distance Learning Course
St.Loye's School of Health Studies, Exeter runs this innovative, credit-rated course which aims to introduce the principles, methods and applications of EBP to nurses, midwives, health visitors and the professions allied to medicine.
This is a ScHARR resource list of a number of guidelines available in full-text from the WWW.
Information Mastery: An Introduction
A Web-based course from Michigan State University that introduces the basic concepts of Information Mastery, Evidence-Based Medicine (EBP), and critical appraisal of the medical literature. Contents include:Reading an article about diagnosis, Reading an article about therapy, Reading an article about prognosis and Reading an overview or meta-analysis.
Introduction to Evidence Based Medicine
A tutorial developed between UNC and Duke University.
Midwives Online
An information site for midwives.
Oxford & Anglia Mental Health Web (OXAMWEB)
To help support evidence-based practice, the Directorate of Research and Development for the Anglia and Oxford Region has provided resources for Internet connection in libraries in the Region and for the development of OXAMWEB. To be included in OXAMWEB, articles must fulfil the following minimum criteria written in English, free to view, easy to understand and clearly presented, likely to be relevant and helpful to site users/ patients/ professionals. An important part of the material, marked with an EB (evidence-based) logo, also fulfils the more stringent criteria of Evidence Based Medicine.
Pediatr?a Basada en la Evidencia
Spanish evidence based pediatrics site. Contains a CAT Bank ("archivo de temas valorados cr?ticamente" and "archivo de art?culos valorados cr?ticamente").
Percentage of Evidence Based Treatment ScHARR
This is a ScHARR compilation page of studies (and email discussions) concerning the percentage of evidence based healthcare in various specialties. It traces the pre-history of the debate and then, following the landmark study by Ellis et al, 1995, it documents all contributions to the debate.
PRODIGY is a computerized GP decision support system whose guidance is evidence based.
Quackwatch, Inc., a member of Consumer Federation of America, is a nonprofit corporation whose purpose is to combat health-related frauds, myths, fads, and fallacies. Its primary focus is on quackery-related information that is difficult or impossible to get elsewhere.
The Referral Practice Booklet
Topics: Acne, Acute low back pain, Atopic eczema in children, Glue ear in children, Menorrhagia, Osteoarthritis of the hip, Osteoarthritis of the knee, Psoriasis, Recurrent episodes of acute sore throat in children, Urinary tract (outflow) symptoms, Varicose veins.
Resources for Evidence Based Surgery
A site, created for all surgeons and the related medical community, hosted by the Royal College of Surgeons, England. It contains a listing of the 300+ journal titles held by the Library together with links to journal home pages ( in many cases, providing current content pages, full text articles, etc). Similar links to the most frequently used journals in the different categories of surgery (based on the Science Citation Index). Links to free medical databases including Medline and a listing of Cochrane Systematic Reviews relevant to surgery are also available together with details of guidelines and reports publicsed by the RCS and other surgical bodies/societies. Links to internet resources relevant to evidence based surgery complete the picture together with details of the many email discussion groups open to surgeons.
Resources for Practicing EBM
This site specialises in paediatric critical care (aka intensive care) medicine but many of its links are of wider applicability to EBM. It also includes the PedsCCM Evidence- Based Journal Club.
SUNY Health Sciences Evidence Based Medicine Course
An online tutorial providing a comprehensive overview of Evidence Based Medicine.
Sections include:
- Purposes of Evidence Based Medicine
- A Guide to Research Methods
- Searching Biomedical Databases
- Applying EBM to Online Searching
- Evaluating the Studies You Find
Systematic Literature Review Training Module This module at the University of Leeds has been designed to provide a basic introduction to the systematic literature review process. It follows the NHS CRD Guidelines for systematic reviews and includes a self assessment questionnaire for evaluating learning outcomes.
Therapeutic NNTs and NNSs
From the Mount Sinai Medical Centre. - nnt
Traditional vs. Randomised OUTcomes. "How do the outcomes of patients treated within randomised control trials compare with those of similar patients treated outside these trials?"
International Society For Evidence Based Health Care
International Society For Evidence Based Health Care
ISEBHC: The Arab Federation of EBM and The National & Gulf Center for Evidence Based Health Practice (NGCEBHP) are seeking your suggestion for the proposed society; International Society for Evidence Based Healthcare (ISEBHC).
Dear Colleague,
There will be soon an establishment of International Society for Evidence Based Health Care (tentative name- not final). This society will include all international leaders, experts, centers and institutes in this field across the world.
The Arab Federation of EBM and the National & Gulf Center for Evidence-Based Health Practice are supporting this initiative. If you are interested to be informed about the progress of this initiative and to be notified once the membership opens, please send us your contact data by one of the following methods:
- Sending email to, or
- Join our group by clicking on the link
Being a member of the temporary board, I am seeking your future support and contribution to this new international society that eventually will enhance communication, cooperation and collaboration in the field of EBM in the Arab region as well as across the globe.
MD, MSc (card.) , PhD, EDIC (critical care)
Consultant Intensivist
Founding member- Arab Federation of EBM
Secretary general for the National & Gulf Center for EBHP
Cochrane Reviewer - JAMAevidence user Guide manual co-author
Member- Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE)
EBM expert panel member (pediatric) - JBI institute – Australia
Ass./Prof. of Critical Care Medicine - College of Medicine
King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University of Health Sciences
P .O. Box : 22490 Riyadh 11426 , mail code #3120,
Phone + 966 1 2520088 ext 47172
Mobile +966 504496982
Fax + 966 1 2520088 ext 47168
Join us on Facebook
We are in facebook, join our group
Note: that you have to have an existing FB account to join and receive notifications
Evidence Based Medicine Library (Database1)
Clinical Evidence
"Clinical Evidence is an updated compendium of evidence on the effects of common clinical interventions. It provides a concise account of the current state of knowledge, ignorance, and uncertainty about the prevention and treatment of a wide range of clinical conditions based on thorough searches of the literature."
- Availability: NC AHEC Digital Library. Online or print format can be purchased from the BMJ Publishing Group . Also available through Ovid Technologies as an electronic book. PDA version by CogniQ available from BMJ .
Clinical Evidence now has a Concise edition, also available from BMJ.
Best Evidence
The Cochrane Library
"The Cochrane Library is an electronic publication designed to supply high quality evidence to inform people providing and receiving care, and those responsible for research, teaching, funding and administration at all levels."
- Availability: Previously available from Update Software, the Cochrane Library is now distributed through Wiley InterScience. Also available through OVID Technologies as part of Evidence Based Medicine Reviews.
- The abstracts of Cochrane reviews may be searched free of charge at Abstracts of Cochrane reviews are also included in the National Library of Medicine's PubMed database.
EBM Resources
List of helpful resources in Evidence Based Medicine.
Point of Care Resources, Up to date & New Evidence,Critical Appraisal Tools, Evidence-Based Quality Improvement, Evidence-Based Guidelines, Policies & Protocols, Decision Support Systems.
The list can be found here
"A medical information database with 1,800 clinical topic summaries. Designed for use at the point of care, DynaMed strives to include the 'best available' evidence, including both basic and new information in an enmeshed format."
- Review: See Family Practice Management 2003 Jul-Aug;10(7):49-52.
- Availability: Contact Dynamed about paid subscriptions and discounts for participating health practitioners.
Evidence-Based Medicine Reviews (EBMR)
"Evidence Based Medicine Reviews (EBMR) is a definitive electronic information resource in the EBM movement. Accessed through Ovid, the EBMR databases, ACP Journal Club, Cochrane, and DARE link to MEDLINE® and Ovid full text journals but also from the MEDLINE® abstract of the evaluated article to the EBM review."
- Availability: NC AHEC Digital Library. Or contact Ovid Technologies.
Health Services Technology Assessment Text (HSTAT)
"A free, Web-based resource of full-text documents that provide health information and support health care decision making. HSTAT's audience includes health care providers, health service researchers, policy makers, payers, consumers and the information professionals who serve these groups. "
- Availability: The National Library of Medicine provides free access to this database at
InfoPOEMS: The Clinical Awareness System
InfoPOEMS consists of two components, InfoRetriever and DailyPOEMs. "InfoRetriever simultaneously searches the complete POEMs database along with 6 additional evidence-based databases, plus a leading quick-reference tool, to enable rapid lookup and application of information and tools while you practice.DailyPOEMs© points out valid, relevant research to you via daily e-mail synopses."
- Review: See Journal of the Medical Library AssocJuly 2004;92(3):381-2.
- Availability: Institutional or individual subscriptions are available for Web and PDA versions at InfoPOEMS
- Free trial: visit InfoPOEMS for details about 30-day trial subscriptions
National Guideline Clearinghouse
"A public resource for evidence-based clinical practice guidelines produced by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) , originally created in partnership with the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Association of Health Plans (AAHP)."
To receive e-mail alerts on new or updated guidelines from NGC and other AHRQ sponsored sites, subscribe to the AHRQ Update Subscription Service at:
Complete NGC summaries of guidelines are available in downloadable versions for viewing on Palm OS handheld computers. Instructions on how to download them can be found on the NCG web site along with a list, organized by developer, of other PDA versions and "companion documents" made available by guideline developers .
Primary Care Clinical Practice Guidelines
"A searchable listing of on-line guidelines grouped by clinical content with index, top diagnoses cross reference, and organization site listings. This site includes guidelines, evidence-based, consensus, practice parameters, protocols, as well as other resources such as primary articles, integrative studies, meta-analysis, critically appraised topics, review articles, etc."
Trip Plus brings together all the 'evidence-based' healthcare resources available on the Internet. It started with 1,100 links recorded from 15 sources and has grown to encompass the addition of new forms of material including peer-reviewed journals and 'eTextbooks', giving the site a more rounded clinical appeal.
- Review: See ACP Journal Club 2002 Jul-Aug;137:A15.
- Availability: Update Software
"A clinical reference designed to provide instant access to the information you need. It is comprised of thousands of original topic reviews written by a recognized faculty of experts who each address a specific clinical issue and provide detailed recommendations."
- Review: See Journal of Family Practice Sept 2003; 52:706 and Journal of the Medical Library AssocJanuary 2003; 91(1):97.
- Availability: CD-ROM and online subscriptions available from UpToDate at
- Also available for searching on a Pocket PC handheld computer. See White Paper on UpToDate's web site.
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