• Our office has recently moved to the 2nd floor, College of Public Health Health Informatics. Click on image to go to GoogleMaps

International Links - Implementing


Bedside Diagnosis

An Annotated Bibliography of Literature on Physical Examination and Interviewing made available on the American College of Physicians' site. This resource has a searchable index complete with bibliographical references.

Clinical Decision Rules

From the Mount Sinai Medical Centre
http://med.mssm.edu/ebm/ - cpr

Clinical Examination Research Interest Group

A special interest group of the Society for General Internal Medicine this group is responsible for the set of Rational Clinical Examination Guides published in JAMA between 1992-1999. A full bibliography of the articles is given together with a search engine covering PubMed and Bedside Diagnosis.

The Clinical Informaticist Project

The clinical informaticist project is a NHSE funded project in which GPs and nurse practitioners are provided with evidence based answers to their questions. At present the website is limited in that access to the answers is password protected and can only be viewed by those GPs and nurses directly involved in the project. However this is only a temporary problem.

CMA Infobase - Clinical Practice Guidelines

The clinical practice guidelines in this Canadian Medical Association collection were produced or endorsed by a national, provincial or territorial medical or health organization, professional society, government agency or expert panel. This new product is being developed in three stages. During the first stage, CMA is providing access to guidelines previously published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ); the guidelines to which CMAJ does not hold copyright are listed and the full text will be added when the developers have granted permission. Other guidelines will be added as they become available.


The CONSORT statement for improving the quality of reporting of randomized controlled trials.

Definitions of Evidence Based Medicine/Healthcare/Practice ScHARR

This is a ScHARR Compilation page of definitions of Evidence Based Medicine etcetera from published articles, reports books and Web pages.

Discussion Lists ScHARR

A ScHARR compilation page listing all evidence based healthcare email discussion lists that have been identified to date. The page includes joining criteria, instructions and a brief description of each list.

Evidence Based Emergency Medicine Home Page

A group of physicians at Lincoln Hospital with a commitment to Evidence Based emergency medicine have created a Web site containing a CAT-Bank, Journal Club and support materials on how to Formulate a Question, Appraise a Study and search the literature.

Evidence Based Healthcare - a resource pack

This pack contains reading and key references concerning the background and current thinking on evidence-based health care and details of the groups and organisations involved in this movement. The pack is designed to guide your reading around the subject and to aid contact with national organisations and academic bodies that are playing a role in promoting and enabling evidence-based health care.

Evidence Based Medicine Calculators

  • Diagnosis
  • Harm
  • Treatment

Evidence-Based Medical Practice / Pratique Médical Fondée Sur les Preuves Scientifiques

Fully bi-lingual Canadian site. The purpose of this web site is to facilitate finding and using the evidence-based medical data available on the Internet. The site is primarily aimed at medical doctors, but we also hope to reach other healthcare professionals, policy makers, and healthcare consumers along with related organizations. When completed, this web site will offer four modules: a directory of web sites offering evidence-based medical information, a search engine for evidence-based data, an interactive self-teaching program, and an electronic discussion group.

Evidence Based Medicine Course

Online tutorial prepared by a Reference Librarian and HTML Programmer at State University of New York. Topics covered include: Purposes of Evidence Based Medicine, A Guide to Research Methods, Searching Biomedical Databases, Applying EBM to Online Searching and Evaluating the Studies You Find.

Evidence Based Medicine - Finding the Best Clinical Evidence

EBM resource from the University of Illinois.

Evidence Based Medicine : Principles and Practice

Produced by Dr. P. Badrinath, Asst. Professor & Epidemiologist, Dept. of Community Medicine, United Arab Emirates University this presentation contains a useful PowerPoint package of slides plus a series of "tasks" suitable for getting people started in EBM.

Evidence Based Medicine Resource List

This site maintained by Chris Cox at the Library at the University of Hertfordshire has useful references and links to other resources. Although lacking the comprehensiveness of the ScHARR Guide to Evidence Based Practice this site more than makes up for this with its conciseness and clarity. Probably the best single compilation page on EBM on the Web.

Evidence Based Medicine Training Packages ScHARR

This is a ScHARR list of Teaching Packages and resources found on the World Wide Web. It includes both self-directed learning and tools to support teaching sessions. A further list of materials is available at the Italian GIMBE site.

Evidence Based Medicine Workbook :

Critical appraisal for clinical problem solving ScHARR The home page for the workbook published by Butterworth Heinemann, currently being translated into Spanish and Japanese. The site-owner has plans to develop the Web pages in the near future.

Evidence Based Pathology

This site, developing at the University of Nottingham, is currently a gateway to resources on EBM. However it is likely to develop into a valuable resource in its own right.

Evidence Based Pediatrics

A resource for evidence based paediatrics at the University of Michigan containing Critically Appraised Topics, Guidelines for a Journal Club and a CAT Templates

Evidence Based Practice - Electronic Distance Learning Course

St.Loye's School of Health Studies, Exeter runs this innovative, credit-rated course which aims to introduce the principles, methods and applications of EBP to nurses, midwives, health visitors and the professions allied to medicine.



This is a ScHARR resource list of a number of guidelines available in full-text from the WWW.

Information Mastery: An Introduction

A Web-based course from Michigan State University that introduces the basic concepts of Information Mastery, Evidence-Based Medicine (EBP), and critical appraisal of the medical literature. Contents include:Reading an article about diagnosis, Reading an article about therapy, Reading an article about prognosis and Reading an overview or meta-analysis.


Introduction to Evidence Based Medicine

A tutorial developed between UNC and Duke University.

Midwives Online

An information site for midwives.

Oxford & Anglia Mental Health Web (OXAMWEB)

To help support evidence-based practice, the Directorate of Research and Development for the Anglia and Oxford Region has provided resources for Internet connection in libraries in the Region and for the development of OXAMWEB. To be included in OXAMWEB, articles must fulfil the following minimum criteria written in English, free to view, easy to understand and clearly presented, likely to be relevant and helpful to site users/ patients/ professionals. An important part of the material, marked with an EB (evidence-based) logo, also fulfils the more stringent criteria of Evidence Based Medicine.

Pediatr?a Basada en la Evidencia

Spanish evidence based pediatrics site. Contains a CAT Bank ("archivo de temas valorados cr?ticamente" and "archivo de art?culos valorados cr?ticamente").

Percentage of Evidence Based Treatment ScHARR

This is a ScHARR compilation page of studies (and email discussions) concerning the percentage of evidence based healthcare in various specialties. It traces the pre-history of the debate and then, following the landmark study by Ellis et al, 1995, it documents all contributions to the debate.


PRODIGY is a computerized GP decision support system whose guidance is evidence based.


Quackwatch, Inc., a member of Consumer Federation of America, is a nonprofit corporation whose purpose is to combat health-related frauds, myths, fads, and fallacies. Its primary focus is on quackery-related information that is difficult or impossible to get elsewhere.

The Referral Practice Booklet

Topics: Acne, Acute low back pain, Atopic eczema in children, Glue ear in children, Menorrhagia, Osteoarthritis of the hip, Osteoarthritis of the knee, Psoriasis, Recurrent episodes of acute sore throat in children, Urinary tract (outflow) symptoms, Varicose veins.

Resources for Evidence Based Surgery

A site, created for all surgeons and the related medical community, hosted by the Royal College of Surgeons, England. It contains a listing of the 300+ journal titles held by the Library together with links to journal home pages ( in many cases, providing current content pages, full text articles, etc). Similar links to the most frequently used journals in the different categories of surgery (based on the Science Citation Index). Links to free medical databases including Medline and a listing of Cochrane Systematic Reviews relevant to surgery are also available together with details of guidelines and reports publicsed by the RCS and other surgical bodies/societies. Links to internet resources relevant to evidence based surgery complete the picture together with details of the many email discussion groups open to surgeons.

Resources for Practicing EBM

This site specialises in paediatric critical care (aka intensive care) medicine but many of its links are of wider applicability to EBM. It also includes the PedsCCM Evidence- Based Journal Club.

SUNY Health Sciences Evidence Based Medicine Course

An online tutorial providing a comprehensive overview of Evidence Based Medicine.

Sections include:

  • Purposes of Evidence Based Medicine
  • A Guide to Research Methods
  • Searching Biomedical Databases
  • Applying EBM to Online Searching
  • Evaluating the Studies You Find

Systematic Literature Review Training Module This module at the University of Leeds has been designed to provide a basic introduction to the systematic literature review process. It follows the NHS CRD Guidelines for systematic reviews and includes a self assessment questionnaire for evaluating learning outcomes.

Therapeutic NNTs and NNSs

From the Mount Sinai Medical Centre.
http://med.mssm.edu/ebm/ - nnt


Traditional vs. Randomised OUTcomes. "How do the outcomes of patients treated within randomised control trials compare with those of similar patients treated outside these trials?"

Important Links