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International Links - Organisations
Aggressive Research Intelligence Facility (ARIF)
"Advancing the use of evidence on the effects of health care in the West Midlands": ARIF is a specialist unit of three people based at the University of Birmingham, set up to help health care workers access and interpret research evidence in response to particular problems. They are a collaboration between the Department of Public Health & Epidemiology, the Department of General Practice and the Health Services Management Centre at the University and are funded for three years from 1st July 1995 by the Research and Development Department of the NHS Executive, West Midlands. The first objective of ARIF is to provide timely access to, and advice on, existing reviews of research.
Australian Safety and Efficacy Register of New Interventional Procedures – Surgical (ASERNIP-S)
ASERNIP-S is a pilot project, funded by the Australian Federal Government through the Department of Health and Family Services for a three-year period. The project is administered by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and began operating in January 1998. ASERNIP-S was established as a body to assess new surgical procedures and technologies. The broad aims of the project are to establish a mechanism for collecting, collating and analysing data concerning the safety and efficacy of selected new surgical procedures; to make recommendations on whether the procedure should be used with or without continuing audit, or if a more fully controlled evaluation is necessary and to disseminate the information to fellows and trainees of the College through CME and training programs, to credentialling committees, practitioners, consumers, health care providers and government agencies. Full text reports are available in some cases with alternative summaries where required.
Canadian Centres for Health Evidence (
The principal task of Centres of Health Evidence (CHE) is to package, disseminate, and present health knowledge in ways that facilitate its optimum use. Within a CHE, staff will monitor knowledge-based software and literature from a variety of public and private sources. Significant resources are identified, and for these items, structured summaries are developed to alert the user to the quality of evidence supporting health recommendations, the relative importance of recommendations, and how the needs of specific patients, practitioners and settings are addressed. Contains full-text versions of Users' Guides to Evidence-Based Practice (q.v).
The Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment (CCOHHTA)
CASP - Critical Appraisal Skills Programme
CASP is a UK project that aims to help health service decision makers and those that seek to influence the decision makers develop skills to find, critically appraise and change practice in line with evidence of effectiveness. These skills promote the delivery of evidence-based healthcare. At the heart of CASP's work is a cascade of half day workshops where participants learn through going on an interactive journey. CASP introduces people to the ideas of evidence-based healthcare and, through critical appraisal of systematic reviews, introduces people to the related ideas of the Cochrane Collaboration. CASP is developing an interactive CD-ROM, to be used in conjunction with workshops, video conferencing, as a stand alone package or to reinforce learning, thereby taking these skills to a wider audience and giving opportunities for independent practice or learning.
These pages tell you about the aims and resources of the CASPinternational network, which aims to promote the use of evidence of effectiveness in health and allied services.
Centre for Clinical Effectiveness
The Centre for Clinical Effectiveness opened at Monash Medical Centre in Australia in January 1998. Its objective is to enhance patient outcomes through the clinical application of the best available evidence about treatments.
Centre for Evidence Based Child Health
The Centre for Evidence-Based Child Health is part of a national network of centres for evidence-based health care. The overall aim of the Centre is to increase the provision of effective and efficient child health care through an educational programme for health professionals. Introductory seminars, short courses, MSc modules, workshops for groups in the workplace and training secondments are beng offered to paediatricians, nurses, general practitioners, healthcare purchasers and others involved in child health.
Centre for Evidence Based Dentistry
The main objective of the Centre, based at the Institute of Health Sciences in Oxford is to promote the teaching, learning, practice, and evaluation of Evidence-Based Dentistry throughout the United Kingdom.
Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (U.K.)
The World Wide Web page of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, established in Oxford as the first of several centres around the country whose aim broadly is to promote evidence-based health care and provide support and resources to anyone who wants to make use of them. The Centre's web site contains the EBM Toolbox with numerous aids to the practice and teaching of EBHC, including: pre-test probabilities, Likelihood Ratios, SpPins and SnNouts, Numbers Needed To Treat and other measures of effectiveness for diagnostic tests, therapy and prognosis; teaching materials for public health, primary care, hospital medicine, child health, neonatology, mental health, surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology; a glossary of terms; hints, tips and worksheets on asking clinical questions, searching and critical appraisal; slide presentations on the background to EBM; and much more!
Centre for Evidence Based Medicine (Mount Sinai, U.S.)
This site hosted by the University of Toronto includes Practising EBM, Syllabi for EBM, Teaching EBM, Evidence Resources and a Glossary of EBM terms. It is designed to support the second edition of Evidence-based Medicine: How to Practise and Teach EBM.
Centre for Evidence-based Mental Health
The site contains a range of resources to promote and support the teaching and practice of evidence-based mental healthcare: OXAMWEB (a comprehensive list of links to evidence-based mental health websites); Toolkit of teaching resources, including examples of scenarios used in the teaching of evidence-based practice in mental health; details of the secondary journal - Evidence-Based Mental Health; details of forthcoming workshops and conferences. details of how to join the centre or subscribe to their mailing list. Other features that will appear on the site in the near future include:
- Information about the new Network for Clinical Effectiveness and Evidence-Based Practice (including full-text of the Royal College of Psychiatrists' clinical practice guidelines).
- A glossary of EBM terminology with particular relevance to mental health.
Centre for Evidence Based Nursing
The Centre for Evidence-Based Nursing works with nurses in practice, other researchers, nurse educators and managers to identify evidence-based practice through primary research and systematic reviews and promotes the uptake of evidence into practice through education and implementation activities in areas of nursing where good evidence is available. The Centre is also researching factors which promote or impede the implementation of evidence-based practice. The University of York has established a Centre for Evidence-Based Nursing as part of the national network of Centres for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice (which includes the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford and the Centre for Evidence-Based Child Health in London). Each Centre contributes a specific perspective. The Centre for Evidence-Based Nursing is working as part of this network, collaborating in the promotion of evidence-based health care.
Centres for Evidence Based Nursing (the Seven)
There are seven antipodean centres for evidence based nursing; five in Australia, one in Hong Kong and one in New Zealand.
Centre for Evidence Based Pharmacotherapy
The Centre for Evidence-Based Pharmacotherapy (CEBP) was set up in July 1995 to undertake research in the methodology of medicines assessment, pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacoeconomics and to undertake such studies. The Centre is active within the Cochrane Collaboration with membership of the editorial team of the Menstrual Disorders Review Group and coordination of the Pharmaceuticals Field as well as membership of the Statistical Methods Working Group. The Centre also has close links with the Consumers Association.
Centre for Evidence Based Physiotherapy
The Centre of Evidence-Based Physiotherapy was established by a small group of clinical and academic physiotherapists. It is based at the School of Physiotherapy at the University of Sydney. The Centre's mission is to maximise the effectiveness of physiotherapy services by facilitating the clinical application of the best available evidence. The Centre functions as a non-profit organisation to facilitate physiotherapy research and implementation of effective physiotherapy.
Centre for Evidence Based Social Services
This Centre has been jointly funded by The Department of Health and a consortium of Social Services Departments in the South and South West of England with the main aim of ensuring that decisions taken at all levels in social services are informed by trends from good-quality research.
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
The NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) is a facility commissioned by the NHS Research and Development Division to produce and disseminate reviews concerning the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of healthcare interventions. The aim is to identify and review the results of good quality health research and to disseminate actively the findings to key decision makers in the NHS and to consumers of health care services. In this way health care professionals and managers can ensure their practice reflects the best available research evidence. The reviews will cover: the effectiveness of care for particular conditions; the effectiveness of health technologies; evidence on efficient methods of organising and delivering particular types of health care. The CRD has made its public databases accessible over the internet and via dialup access. The first is a database of structured abstracts of good quality systematic reviews (DARE), which comment on the methodological features of published reviews and summarise the author's conclusions and any implications for health practice. The abstracts represent the end product of a detailed sifting and quality appraisal process. There is also an economic evaluations database (NEED).
CHAIN - Contact Help Advice Information Network for Effective Health Care
C.H.A.I.N. is a reference database for clinical effectiveness and evidence based health care activities in the North Thames Region, and beyond.