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Evidence Based Medicine Library (Database1)
- Evidence Based Medicine Library (Database1)
- Clinical Evidence
- The Cochrane Library
- EBM Resources
- DynaMed
- Evidence Based Medicine – Review (EBMR)
- Health Services Technology Assessment Text (HSTAT)
- InfoPOEMSs: The Clinic Awareness System
- National Guidelines Clearing House
- Primary Care Clinical Practice Guidelines
- TRIP Plus Database
- UpToDate
- All Pages
Clinical Evidence
"Clinical Evidence is an updated compendium of evidence on the effects of common clinical interventions. It provides a concise account of the current state of knowledge, ignorance, and uncertainty about the prevention and treatment of a wide range of clinical conditions based on thorough searches of the literature."
- Availability: NC AHEC Digital Library. Online or print format can be purchased from the BMJ Publishing Group . Also available through Ovid Technologies as an electronic book. PDA version by CogniQ available from BMJ .
Clinical Evidence now has a Concise edition, also available from BMJ.
Best Evidence
The Cochrane Library
"The Cochrane Library is an electronic publication designed to supply high quality evidence to inform people providing and receiving care, and those responsible for research, teaching, funding and administration at all levels."
- Availability: Previously available from Update Software, the Cochrane Library is now distributed through Wiley InterScience. Also available through OVID Technologies as part of Evidence Based Medicine Reviews.
- The abstracts of Cochrane reviews may be searched free of charge at Abstracts of Cochrane reviews are also included in the National Library of Medicine's PubMed database.
EBM Resources
List of helpful resources in Evidence Based Medicine.
Point of Care Resources, Up to date & New Evidence,Critical Appraisal Tools, Evidence-Based Quality Improvement, Evidence-Based Guidelines, Policies & Protocols, Decision Support Systems.
The list can be found here
"A medical information database with 1,800 clinical topic summaries. Designed for use at the point of care, DynaMed strives to include the 'best available' evidence, including both basic and new information in an enmeshed format."
- Review: See Family Practice Management 2003 Jul-Aug;10(7):49-52.
- Availability: Contact Dynamed about paid subscriptions and discounts for participating health practitioners.
Evidence-Based Medicine Reviews (EBMR)
"Evidence Based Medicine Reviews (EBMR) is a definitive electronic information resource in the EBM movement. Accessed through Ovid, the EBMR databases, ACP Journal Club, Cochrane, and DARE link to MEDLINE® and Ovid full text journals but also from the MEDLINE® abstract of the evaluated article to the EBM review."
- Availability: NC AHEC Digital Library. Or contact Ovid Technologies.
Health Services Technology Assessment Text (HSTAT)
"A free, Web-based resource of full-text documents that provide health information and support health care decision making. HSTAT's audience includes health care providers, health service researchers, policy makers, payers, consumers and the information professionals who serve these groups. "
- Availability: The National Library of Medicine provides free access to this database at
InfoPOEMS: The Clinical Awareness System
InfoPOEMS consists of two components, InfoRetriever and DailyPOEMs. "InfoRetriever simultaneously searches the complete POEMs database along with 6 additional evidence-based databases, plus a leading quick-reference tool, to enable rapid lookup and application of information and tools while you practice.DailyPOEMs© points out valid, relevant research to you via daily e-mail synopses."
- Review: See Journal of the Medical Library AssocJuly 2004;92(3):381-2.
- Availability: Institutional or individual subscriptions are available for Web and PDA versions at InfoPOEMS
- Free trial: visit InfoPOEMS for details about 30-day trial subscriptions
National Guideline Clearinghouse
"A public resource for evidence-based clinical practice guidelines produced by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) , originally created in partnership with the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Association of Health Plans (AAHP)."
To receive e-mail alerts on new or updated guidelines from NGC and other AHRQ sponsored sites, subscribe to the AHRQ Update Subscription Service at:
Complete NGC summaries of guidelines are available in downloadable versions for viewing on Palm OS handheld computers. Instructions on how to download them can be found on the NCG web site along with a list, organized by developer, of other PDA versions and "companion documents" made available by guideline developers .
Primary Care Clinical Practice Guidelines
"A searchable listing of on-line guidelines grouped by clinical content with index, top diagnoses cross reference, and organization site listings. This site includes guidelines, evidence-based, consensus, practice parameters, protocols, as well as other resources such as primary articles, integrative studies, meta-analysis, critically appraised topics, review articles, etc."
Trip Plus brings together all the 'evidence-based' healthcare resources available on the Internet. It started with 1,100 links recorded from 15 sources and has grown to encompass the addition of new forms of material including peer-reviewed journals and 'eTextbooks', giving the site a more rounded clinical appeal.
- Review: See ACP Journal Club 2002 Jul-Aug;137:A15.
- Availability: Update Software
"A clinical reference designed to provide instant access to the information you need. It is comprised of thousands of original topic reviews written by a recognized faculty of experts who each address a specific clinical issue and provide detailed recommendations."
- Review: See Journal of Family Practice Sept 2003; 52:706 and Journal of the Medical Library AssocJanuary 2003; 91(1):97.
- Availability: CD-ROM and online subscriptions available from UpToDate at
- Also available for searching on a Pocket PC handheld computer. See White Paper on UpToDate's web site.