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Minimal Criteria for Approving Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) Courses for the Resident by the Saudi Council of Health Specialties
Methods of Teaching
It is advisable to follow the following guidelines for the process of teaching. They are arranged in the sequence of the EBM steps:
Translation of uncertainty in to an answerable question.
Presenting clinical scenarios or asking candidates to share a problem encountered in their clinical practice. Framing a focused, answerable question in a structured format(2). Several formats are taught: 3 part (patient-intervention/exposure-comparator-outcome), or 5 part (patient-intervention/exposure- comparator-outcome-time) questions.
Search for and retrieval of evidence.
Theoretical instruction backed by a supervised practical session (hands-on medical websites search)) with online connection(3). A librarian with search skills could be utilized for this purpose if possible. A variety of databases should be shown as possible with the strengths and weaknesses discussed. Examples include Cochrane Library, PubMed, CLINICAL EVIDENCE, Evidence Based Medicine, Upto date, ACP Journal Club, trip database, SUM Search and GACGUIDELINES but Minimal two are required: one primary unfiltered website (e.g. PubMed) and one secondary filtered one (e.g. cochrane library)
Critical appraisal of evidence for validity and clinical importance.
This is probably the most widely taught skill [5] Examples include the Critical Appraisals Skills Program(4).
Application of appraised evidence to practice.
Examples include applying the identified evidence to the specific context that led to the quest for evidence. This requires exploration of the generalisability of the evidence to the specific scenario, and 'particularizing outcomes by adjusting for patient-specific risks (5).
Evaluation of performance
Role modeling by the attending senior physicians and /or EBP teachers. The encouragement of adult learning styles and Journal clubs(6).